Push TV Camera Systems - Inspection system with layflat reel

The FB-PIC3588B/3588BT camera system from Forbest Products comes with 200 feet of 3/8-inch fiberglass cable and a layflat reel with footage counter and stand. The high-resolution 1 1/2-inch waterproof metal color camera head with or without built-in 512 Hz sonde transmitter is designed to inspect drain and sewer lines 3 inches or larger. With an adapter, a 7/8-inch color waterproof camera head with built-in transmitter can be used on the reel for smaller pipe. The heavy-duty waterproof control box includes a bright 10-inch LCD color screen and a built-in SD card reader with one-touch record button to record photos and videos. On-screen status indicators include footage of the cable pushed through the pipe and battery strength. The built-in rechargeable battery lasts about four hours. 650/757-4786; www.forbestusa.net.


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