Inspection System Puts Focus on Improved Productivity

Inspections and line cleaning make for one-stop-shop service that always runs smoothly.
Inspection System Puts Focus on Improved Productivity
Canessco bought the Ibak system, from RapidView IBAK North America, in early 2014. It features an Orion camera head, with pan-and-tilt, zoom and self-leveling capabilities, and 300 feet of cable. It’s paired with either a T66 steerable wheeled tractor (for inspecting 4- to 24-inch-diameter pipes) or a more powerful T68 tractor, which is capable of inspecting pipes more than 120 inches in diameter and can work under more demanding conditions, such as negotiating thick debris.

Vacuum trucks are the undisputed workhorses at Canessco Services Inc., an industrial and sewer cleaning company based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. But a much smaller machine — an Ibak pipeline inspection camera system — plays an equally important role in keeping cleaning...

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