Tight Quarters

A pneumatically assisted bursting head helps an Ontario contractor upsize a concrete sewer without disrupting traffic.
Tight Quarters
A crew from SLR Contracting Group lowers a bursting head, skirt expander and 32-inch HDPE pipe into a shoring box with John Deere 290 and Caterpillar 336 excavators. The job required sheet piling to be driven alongside the closed lane of a four-lane parkway to protect the road from the force of the pull-backs. (Photos courtesy of SLR Contracting Group)

Infiltration through failed joints in a 27-inch concrete gravity sewer in Windsor, Ontario, taxed the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant during heavy rains. Hydrogen sulfide was corroding the crown in many places.

In 2002, the city put out a tender to directional drill...

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