What You Missed at the WEQ Fair: NozzTeq Demonstrates Nozzles for Any Cleaning Task

Is your concrete pipe constricted? Debris in your ductile iron? Or FOG? Roots? Wait, don’t panic. NozzTeq has a nozzle finely tuned for whatever ails you.

Is your concrete pipe constricted? Debris in your ductile iron? Or FOG? Roots? Wait, don’t panic. NozzTeq has a nozzle finely tuned for whatever ails you — from the adaptable 5,000 psi hand nozzle, to the Jaws for general cleaning, the maintenance-free Lumberjack cutter, and the BL Swiper, which reduces blown toilets by delivering more cleaning power at lower pressure. They were all on display at the 2016 WEQ Fair in Milwaukee and you can see them in action here.

To see all of NozzTeq's sewer cleaning solutions, please visit NozzTeq.com


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