vLoc3-Cam Sonde Locator Makes Locating Easy

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vLoc3-Cam Sonde Locator Makes Locating Easy

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Anyone who has located sondes or push cameras knows what a nerve-racking task this can be. Problems encountered can be ghost signals, deep depths and rebar in concrete.

Fortunately, the new vLoc3-Cam Sonde locator from Vivax-Metrotech brings advanced filtering and omnidirectional antenna technology to make sonde locating fast, easy and accurate. The bright full-color graphical display directs the user to the sonde with directional arrows. When on top of the sonde, confirmation is given with a large sonde icon and depth reading.

The "Pushrod Trace" mode shows a second display for tracing the path of the pushrod deployed in the pipe or tracing utilities with an optional portable transmitter. Power and Radio passive locate modes will detect the presence of live power lines, CATV, telephone and metallic pipes which radiate 60 Hz from nearby or overhead power lines. 

Request a demonstration today.  


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